Monday, 3 July 2017

Why you should not stop SIP despite stock market hitting new highs

Tue, Jul 04, 2017 | 06:33 AM IST

ET Wealth Newsletter

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Why you should not stop SIP despite stock market hitting new highs
With markets hitting new highs, many investors might be thinking of stopping their SIPs. Find out why this will not be a good idea.
How to pick the right long term equity mutual fund schemes
Though past performance is not an indication of a how a scheme will fare in the future, historical return analysis can throw up interesting points.
How to answer unexpected interview questions
Interviewers deliberately pursue challenging or unexpected questions to push you beyond your prepared answers and test your reactions.
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Got a query on GST? Ask from experts now
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Why you should not lie during interviews
Don't lie: Not on your resume and never during an interview. When your lie gets caught is just a question of time and impact can be long-lasting.
How to distinguish an original product from a counterfeit one
Go through these telltale signs that can help you identify an original from a counterfeit, and make sure you are not taken for a ride.
Saving for retirement: Why avoiding risk is the biggest risk
Saving for retirement is a long-term goal. There is no earthly reason to think of it differently from other investments in the same time range.
How to shift to the GST framework online
The process to move to the GST framework can be carried out online at, provided all the required documents are in place.
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All you must know about GST
It is a platform created to understand and solve issues pertaining to the Goods & Services Tax.
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Why you must buy Samsung QLED TV?
Why you must buy Samsung QLED TV?

Financial Calculators

Tax Impact Calculator
Tax Impact Calculator
This tax calculator will help you estimate your tax liability. Just input your personal income details and know how much you would be liable to pay.
Home Loan Refinance
Home Loan Refinance
Should you refinance your home loan?
Use this calculator to find out if it is worthwhile to shift your home loan to another bank? Just enter the data and click next. It's that easy.
How much awkward interview questions trouble job seekers? Find out

There is a common complaint among 90% of 820 participants in the study that they have faced awkward questions during interviews.

How to play the dividend yield strategy in a rising stock market

Most long term investors favour this strategy because betting on high dividend yield stocks ensures a regular stream of income for investors.

Do proposed SEBI rules for advisers & distributors favour investors?

The draft has fundamental structural issues that cannot be reconciled unless the role of distribution of mutual funds is understood & appreciated.

Its time people accepted the blame for not paying enough attention to their personal finances

Households are making sensible choices about food, health and lifestyle. However, this responsibility has not percolated to their personal finances.

Stock pick of the week: Why there are better days ahead for L&T Finance

Increase in its loan book, provisioning for NPAs, business restructuring and likely jump in earnings in the coming years has made L&T Finance analysts top pick.

Should you opt for a credit or a debit card?

In case of a credit card is that timely repayments will help you build a good credit history, which will come in handy when you wish to apply for loans.

5 smart things to know about securities transaction tax

The rate of taxation for STT is set by the government and depends upon the type of security and type of transaction, whether purchase or sale.

Canara Robeco Equity Diversified Fund: Will improved performance last?

With a 10-year return of 12.67%, the fund has beaten the category average (11.53%) and outperformed the benchmark (8.8%) by a wide margin.

Tax Optimizer: How IT professional Gowda can reduce his tax by 40% using NPS

Taxspanner estimates that Gowda can cut his tax by over Rs 31,000 if he opts for the NPS benefit offered by his company and avoids tax-inefficient investments.

Risk-reward for investing in equities remains good: Mahesh Patil, Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund

"Domestic sectors will offer investment opportunities": Mahesh Patil Co-chief Investment Officer, Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund

Family Finance: Bengaluru-based Patils need to start planning early to meet goals

Bengaluru based salaried Ajay & Shreedevi Patil, 27 & 26, will have to put off some goals for now, but will achieve them over time.

Use of mobile banking and digital payments gaining ground

60% of respondents have used mobile devices this year to check account balance, view recent transactions, pay bills, transfer funds or other banking needs.

How startup NowFloats is helping SMEs gain customers via web presence

The startup creates websites— optimised for location and content-based discovery—for SMBs, and helps them get discovered by potential customers.

Alternative investment returns monitor: For the week ending June 28, 2017

Here's a weekly tracker of returns from such investments. Don't compare these with returns from traditional investments as purpose of these is vastly different.

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